Welcome to the

Oh my God.

Yes. Welcome to the laundry room. We’re doing laundry.

I literally do not know how to accomplish this task.

You can do this. You’ve done it before, right?

I think.

So you know what buttons to press.

I don’t know where the machine is.

It’s the big cube in the middle of the room. Are you serious?

So, this one?

That’s the dryer. Oh my God.

You do it! You’re the one who actually remembers!

I can’t do this for you! You said you wanted to learn!


Your hands are covering your mouth. Marigold is there, and she’s looking at you in shock. Yeah, you actually had an emotional reaction in public. What are you going to do now?

“Josie?” You can barely hear her. Your ears are ringing. But she’s talking to you, so you better pay attention. “Here, I can do it.”

“No! I have to do this!” You know your voice sounds horrible right now. “I have to!”

Your eyes slide to the side. Your vision is a slideshow of individual frames, like one of those – umm.

Hey, do you remember those toy, err, camera things you’d put your eyes on, and you push it and it goes to another slide?

Oh my God.

It had animals. We looked at horses. What was it called? Virtual Boy?

Oh my God. Look at Process.

Virsual… visio…

Your eyes slide to the side. Your vision is a slideshow of individual frames, like one of those toys with the animals in it. Process is slumped over in the corner, knees pulled up to his chest. He’s having a panic attack. You think ‘Oh shit, I have to do something’ and then you stare at him so hard that he stares back at you and curls up even tighter.

So you lift the basket of clothes up.

And you dump them into the washing machine.

And you press some buttons.

And then there is a deafening, horrible noise that engulfs your entire body.